Too many are hitting the ‘Wall’.
Many want to change their present reality.
They just don’t know how!!
** 3+ million youth engaged
** USA, in all 50 states & Canada
** Over 30,000 schools
** Australia, over 5,000 high school students engaged
** Why Try goes Online in Australia
**Aligned with The Australian Students Wellbeing Framework
& Departments of Education Student Behaviour Support Policies.
The Why Try? program applies strength-based principles based on these Mental Health therapeutic modalities:
Why Try? teaches these Social & Emotional Resilience Life Skills
Researchers have independently confirmed the Why Try program improves:
Will find their answers to these life-changing questions:
Why Try?
Why should I put effort into life,
school and relationships.
Student Support Officers, Mental
Health Practitioners and Wellbeing
Teachers facilitate solution-focused
strategies to successfully
Are equipped to facilitate the life-changing Why Try? Journey, with their
teenager(s) at home.
Why Try? offers a user-friendly Conscious Parenting curriculum adults and young people enjoy when they:
As a qualified professional Counsellor I appreciate the way that Why try? incorporates both Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and Solution-Focussed Brief Therapy principles. I have good news. Of the 200 or so students who went through Why Try? fewer than 10% have re-offended and been suspended again.
100% of the students reported they felt Why Try? would change their behaviour both at school and at home. Most students felt Why Try? gave them a sense of purpose.
We trialed Why Try this year with Year 11 students, especially for students who were at risk of dropping out, those with AHDH presentations. Because Why Try is multi-sensory it really engages these students as they look to see how they can be self-directed rather than being other-directed in their lives.
I found Why Try? a terrific program. It gave students a real opportunity to share their feelings and be heard. Why Try? gave them strategies to use in their day to day lives.
Our students love Why Try? It was as if it was the highlight of their week.
The feedback we have received fromYear 9 students has been extremely positive. Why Try seemed to have engaged all the students. Each of them being able to relate to one of the different visual analogies or the activities. Each of the students have found that they have benefited in some way, whether it be in regard to their academic ability, their interaction with their peer group or in their family life or just in their daily general approach to life.
Eight of the twenty students seemed to have Ah-Ha moments. A fantastic result.
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